Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Rend Collective Experiment

Here is a taste of Rend Collective Experiment, a Christian band that's lots of fun...

“We wanted to push boundaries because our God is not safe or small: He has a wild imagination.”

Here is their bio... CLICK HERE!!!

                               One of their songs, Burn Like a Star


Caleb calls basketballs spackaballs...
precious two-year-old language!

                  (This picture was taken a few days before Valentine's Day)

He loves candy, cars, his bike...
ball caps, ice cream, Babe (our dog)...
our cat (though she doesn't like him because he's rough with her), baseball (boosball, as he used to call it), golf...

Yes, my little brother loves a wide variety of things, but he hates haircuts... ;)


What is worship? Worship isn't always singing songs to God and praising Him. That is worship, but worship can be so much more than that. Worship is a lifestyle to be lived. Are you living a lifestyle of worship? Am I?
  1. 1.
    the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity.
  2. "the worship of God"
  3. verb
    1. 1.
      show reverence and adoration for (a deity); honor with religious rites.
      "the Maya built jungle pyramids to worship their gods"