Thursday, February 14, 2013

Read This...

                                                 Happy Valentine"s Day, everyone!

         For most, Valentines Day is a time for showing your family how much you love them                 (which isn't bad, by the way).

            For a very, very small group, Valentine's Day is a time for thanking Jesus.
                 Thanking Jesus for loving us so much, that he died for us.



                                                                 Think on that.

  Once again, I am NOT saying that it is bad to tell your family how much you care about them by giving gifts!

                                                                 NO WAY!

 I am merely saying that this Valentine's Day, you should try to thank Him and worship Him like you have never done before.

If I offend you by saying these things of truth, but that you just don't want to hear,
then I gently suggest that you leave my blog and never come back, because I am not afraid to share my beliefs.

"I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples."
-Mother Teresa

Claire :D

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Britt Nicole

I love Britt Nicole's 'Walk on the Water'. This song encourages me so much! You really have to listen to this amazing song.